At this shrine, Ganapathi Homam” is performed every day. In the month of Aadi, large number of devotees performs Ganapathi Homam daily
On all festival days, Vigneswara Pooja is performed before any other pooja ritual s undertaken.
At the entrance to the temple also, there is a small shrine for Vinayagar, called “Dwara Vinayagar”.
At this shrine, Rudrabhishekam is performed every day, to the chanting of Rudram, Chamakam by Samaj Veda Class Vidyarthis.
On Sashti, Kirthikai days and on special festival days, Ekadasa Rudrabhsishekam and Poornabhsishekam are performed.
Thirupugazh Anbargal group recite Thirupugazh on all Sashti and Kirthikai days.
Rudrabhsishekam s performed in the evenng on all Kirthikai days
Brahmothsavam is celebrated as part of Panguni Uthiram as a 10-day festival.
On Festivals days, Annadhanam is provided in the Samaj community Halls to thousands of devotees visiting the temple for darshan.
At this shrine Abhishekams, Archanas are performed.
On Sankatahara Chathurthi days, Durga Suktha Homam, Durga Suktha Abhishekam, Sri Suktha Homam, are performed.
During the month of Aadi, Devi Mahatmiya Parayanam by devotees is recited daily
On all Fridays during the months of Thai (Makara Masam) and Aadi Lalitha Sahasranama Archanas are performed.
Goddess adorned with Flowers (Poopavadai) is a delight to watch.
During Navarathri, Chandi Homam is performed on all 9 days.